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МГИМО и Правительство Хабаровского края подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве
«Дело первых»: встреча с заместителем министра спорта России А.А.Никитиным
День открытых дверей Факультета международной журналистики
Volume 6, No 1
Лингвистические и лингводидактические проблемы диалога культур он- и офлайн | Cross-Cultural Communication and Language Teaching On- and Offline
Vientnamese-Russian Mutual and Self-Perceptions: Results of an Intercultural Research
DOI: 10.24833/2949-6357.2024.IM.1 УДК: 81`23
Irina S. Markovina
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Sechenov First Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation;
email: markovina_i_yu@staff.sechenov.ru
Nguyen Van Hiep
PhD, Professor, Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam;
email: nvhseoul@gmail.com
Istvan Lenart
PhD, Associate Professor, Sechenov First Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation;
email: istvan.lenart@sechenov.ru
Hien Pham
PhD, Associate Professor, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam;
email: phamhieniol@gmail.com
Alexey А. Matyushin
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor, Sechenov First Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation;
email: matyushin@sechenov.ru
The research was supported by grant the Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR) and the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS), project number 21-512-92001\23
The article sums up the major outcome of a research aiming to draw the national / ethnic portraits and self-portraits of the Russian and the Vietnamese nations. Vietnamese-Russian mutual and self-perceptions were investigated in the frame of a questionnaire-based research conducted with Russian and Vietnamese university students (N=100 in each country) which was complemented by a corpus linguistic analysis. Data were collected in two categories: characteristic as well as personified (anthrophonymic) traits; whereas firstly lexical units descriptive of the Vietnamese and the Russian people were gathered, secondly names of well-known personalities of the two nations were called for. Results shed light on differences as well as similarities between how members of both nations see themselves vis-à-vis how member of the other nation see them. Semantic asymmetries were pinpointed in the case of overlapping descriptions of national characteristics. Negative (critical) traits of mutual and self-perceptions were pinpointed. Results of the research may effectively contribute to the better understanding of Russian-Vietnamese intercultural communication and can hopefully be conductive to prevent intercultural misunderstandings and miscommunication in this relation.
Keywords: characteristic and anthroponymic traits, intercultural communication, mutual and self-perceptions, Psycholinguistics.