Author Guidelines
Submission Policy
The Editorial Board accepts for publication manuscripts characterised by novelty and relevance, presenting previously unpublished data, conclusions, or shedding new light on a known topic/problem. The manuscript should be written in the language of the conference presentation. The length of the manuscript should be 12,600-18,900 characters. Manuscripts are accepted by email to within the deadlines specified by the conference organizers.
Submission requirements
A manuscript will be accepted for publication provided that it
- corresponds to the thematic areas of the conference
- the author(s) personally participated in the conference with a paper;
- its content reflects the content of the conference paper;
- is characterized by academic and practical significance (descriptive papers are not considered);
- has not been previously published in another journal; it is not under consideration in another journal and all the co-authors agree to publish the manuscript in its current version.
When considering a manuscript, the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of "The Magic of Innovation" necessarily checks it in the Anti-Plagiarism system ( for unacknowledged borrowing and self-borrowing. In case of their detection, the editorial board acts in accordance with the COPE rules.
Manuscript Layout Guidelines
- Author’s name;
- Title
- Information about the grants under which the research was carried out is placed immediately after the title of the manuscript, centre alignment, italics.
- An abstract of the manuscript (120 – 150 words) should not be limited to general words and its topic, but summarize the key points of the paper. It should state the subject of the research, its purposes, methods, and important findings and conclusions.
- Key words
- The manuscript text
- References
- Information about the author. Name, degree (if any), post, affiliation (or the word 'freelance'), town/city, country; email
- Title of the manuscript in English
- Author’s name in English
- Information about the author in English. Name, degree (if any), post, affiliation (or the word 'freelance'), town/city, country; email
- An English version of the abstract of the manuscript (120 – 150 words) should not be limited to general words and its topic, but summarize the key points of the paper. It should state the subject of the research, its purposes, methods, and important findings and conclusions.
- Key words: 5 or 6 key words in English
Submission guidelines
1. The manuscript should be submitted as an RTF file.
2. Page size A4 (210x297 mm). Portrait layout.
3. The file should be named as Author’s Last Name – underscore – section number / mc (for master class) / pp (for poster presentation). For example, Smith_4 or Jones_mc.
4. Margins: 3 cm at left, 2.5 cm at right, 2.5 at top and 3.0 at bottom.
5. The font: Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spaced
6. Maximum length of the manuscript 12,600 characters including spaces.
7. Paragraphs indented without extra spaces between them.
8. Center text justification. No hyphenation.
9. All illustrations (charts, drawings, diagrams, pictures, etc.) should be named as Picture or Table and enumerated in the manuscript. All illustrations should be placed directly in the manuscript but not as a separate file. See the Example of Manuscript Layout for more details.
10. All examples should be italicized. For more emphasis use bolding. Examples from fiction are given as: To be or not to be? (W. Shakespeare. Hamlet).
11. Definitions and translations should be made in single quote marks ('…'). Double quote marks ("……") should be used around quotations.
12. Pages should not be numbered.
13. Do not make any kind of footnotes in your manuscript.
14. The manuscript should have the following format (see The Example of Manuscript Layout for more details):
- Author’s initials with a space and last name bold, in capitals, and italicized, right margin justification. If a manuscript has two and more authors, they should be given in the alphabetical order.
- The manuscript title in capital letters bold, center justification.
- The information about the grant that supported author’s research should be given below the manuscript title, center justification, italicized.
- An abstract of the manuscript (120 – 150 words) should summarize the key points of the paper and state the subject of the research, its purposes, methods, and important findings and conclusions.
- Key words in bold (5–6 in alphabetical order) separated by commas and a full stop at the end of the line, indented.
- The manuscript text.
- References (the subtitle in bold), indented, with a colon.
- About the author (the subtitle in bold, left justification)
On a new line below author’s name in bold.
On a new line below author’s degree (if any), post, affiliation (or the word 'freelance'), town/city, country; email.
15. The references should go in alphabetical order. Quotes should be written as [Stevens 2010: 45]. References to a number of authors as [see Brown 1999; Robertson 2010; Smith 1957 and others]. All the references should be made in APA publication style (see The Example of Manuscript Layout for more details).