Implementing Marketing Strategies in EFL Classes in the Age of ‘Clip Thinking

DOI: 10.24833/2949-6357.2024.SOF.2  УДК: 378

Olga F. Strelnikova
Lecturer, MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia;

The object of the article is new strategies used in EFL classes in the age of ‘clip thinking’. The subject of the article is marketing strategies used in the EFL training. It is suggested that the ‘clip thinking’ of the new generation must be accommodated when making up EFL lesson plans by employing marketing strategies, including commercials, advertisements, and film promotion in­terviews. The purpose of the article is to prove that the above mentioned marketing strategies can provide outstanding listen­ing comprehension material, interesting discussion points and a new perspective of the topics suggested in the textbook. The research uses the empirical method, with classes based on the textbooks for second and third year MGIMO students enhanced by the suggested marketing strategies. The results of the present study demonstrate that these materials can be used to create some additional classroom activities, making EFL classes truly educational.

Keywords: classroom activities, clip thinking, EFL, market­ing strategies, visuals.
