Volume 6, No 2
Обучение иностранному языку для специальных и академических целей в новой образовательной реальности | Teaching Foreign Languages for Specific and Academic Purposes in a New Educational Context
Integrating Source Texts and Building Up Genre Awareness in ESP Classrooms: a Focus on Law Reports
DOI: 10.24833/2949-6357.2024.ABN.2 УДК: 372.881.1
Bayrta N. Arinova
Senior Lecturer, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;
email: b.arinova@yandex.ru
Texts as units of discourse have always been the units of study in ESP classrooms; for teaching purposes they can be viewed as linguistic objects or as vehicles of information, while in linguistics specialized texts are considered to be units of genres which share common characteristics. Reading source texts (legislation, case law, rulings etc.) is the staple of the legal profession, par consequence, exposing law students to such texts in a legal English class prompts a lot of questions related to discourse (context) awareness and genre-awareness. Building on the theories of language learning and ESP teaching methodologies we discuss the effective treatment of texts of professional communication within legal English course. Drawing on the example of UK law reports the author outlines the principles of effective incorporation of professional texts: interaction, elaboration, contextualization and translation and explains what type of tasks could reflect those principles in the practice of teaching.
Keywords: ESP, legal English, source texts, professional communication, legal discourse, judicial discourse, ESP methodological framework.