Volume 6, No 2
Языковое образование в вузе: новые вызовы и решения | Foreign Language Teaching at University: New Challenges and Solutions
Palestinian Arab Students Writing Research Papers: Challenges and Remedies
DOI: 10.24833/2949-6357.2024.RAR.2 УДК: 811.111
Ruwaida Abu Rass
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Beit Berl College, Kfar Sava, Israel;
email: aburass@beitberl.ac.il
The research was supported by grant “The Research Authorities Division at Beit Berl College, Israel”.
This research investigates employing contrastive analysis (CA), text analysis (TA), error analysis (EA) and advanced technology for helping Palestinian Arab Muslim students in Israel to write their final projects, research articles (RAs). They face tremendous difficulties in writing their final research papers, especially providing a theoretical background because they lack adequate proficiency in English and the experience of writing research papers in their first language. In the context of this study, they should paraphrase, summarize, analyze and synthesize information from different sources, linking scholarly research to previous work in the same discipline and expressing their own voices in the text. Analyzing all of the required written assignments and the final version of their research papers shows that these students have improved their writing academic skills slightly. Results indicate the need for intensive practice to help these students acquire the necessary academic skills for writing research articles in English.
Keywords: contrastive analysis, error analysis, research papers, text analysis.