Teaching Types of Semantic Transference in Business English Terms

DOI: 10.24833/2949-6357.2024.FTN.2  УДК: 372.881.1

Tatiana N. Fedulenkova
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia; Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk, Russia;
email: fedulenkova@list.ru

The object of the study is business terminology extracted mainly from The Longman Business English Dictionary. The sub­ject of the study is differentiation of non-phraseological terms and terms of idiomatic nature. The research is targeted at reveal­ing the co-relation between terminology and phraseology among business terms on the one hand and between the groups of busi­ness terms of different degree of idiomaticity. The theoretical background of the research embraces the following items: (a) the theory of the term suggested by V. M. Leichik, (b) the theory of English phraseology created by A.V.Kunin and the method of phraseological identification introduced by the scholar into lin­guistics. The research results in the following points (a) revealing the percentage co-relation between non-phraseological termi­nology and idiomatic terminology, (b) differentiating PU-terms depending on the degree of semantic transfer. The outcome of the study can be used in the course of business English for senior students who are familiar with the courses of English phraseol­ogy and terminology.

Keywords: terminology, phraseology, full meaning transfer, partial meaning transfer, variability, identity.
